I thought it only fair to introduce you to a site that I will be mentioning quite a lot.The site that I am talking about is Goth-to-Goth.It is owned by my good friend,Bixie Willow,and,frankly,is an awesome site.Bixie posts stories,crafts,"how to" stuff, news that is about goths,and,basically,just has a really cool site.Now what I don't get is why she has so little views and members.That is why I encourage you to check out her site right......here!Help us get some members and spread the word!
I,like I said before,am friends with her and when we met she told me about this site she has. She told me"It's not much.Just a simple little website that is basically a blog." Really?!NO!When i checked the site out I was freakin' Amazed!!!!! It was so cool!Eventually as we become friends and I learned more and more about goth, she let me post and made me an official "Administrator" for the site! Which basically means I have the power to view Stats and post.
But enough about me,(sorry! I can sometimes be a little scatter brained and drift off topic.)If you want to talk to Bixie herself,here is her email and here is her site.If you want to know a little more about her site but,for some strange reason don't want to talk to her yourself,you can email me here(or simply contact me in the comment section.)and if you want to know who I am on Goth-to-Goth just click here.And also,we just posted a great how to:Goth up shoes! Check it out here! Hope you like it! It was a collaborative effort.
DISCLAIMER:I am NOT doing this just because Bixie is my friend,or because I post on the site too.If you don't understand why I'm doing this,go back and read the FIRST SENTENCE! I am telling you guys to check the site out because i will be constantly mentioning the site(there are some really good posts in there that I simply NEED to share with you.I would feel really selfish if I didn't share it with you.) and I want you to know what I am talking about so you guys won't get lost.No she is not paying me to do this or bribing me or anything like that! I would review this site even if I didn't know Bixie and wasn't a member(actually i would have been a member regardless of who i knew.It's just so cool!)
Now that that disclaimer is out of the way,..............I have an announcement!!!!!!I'm not going to have access to the computer that much this summer(because a certain someone is going to shut the computer off this summer.........but don't worry..that's what friends are for right!? .kidding..),but(you knew the but was coming)any time I can sneak onto a computer,I will trytrytry!....to post something good every few days,but...I can't promise you anything.sorry.I will post soon.Hope you have a great day/night.
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